Community Support Services


We place great importance on research and its role in advancing our understanding of breast cancer. Our dedicated research team, led by Ruth Sego and Pamela Meharry from the University of Rwanda, has been diligently collecting data on the scope of our Ulinzi Breast Cancer Awareness Ulinzi Walk over the past three years. This annual event has been instrumental in raising awareness and funds for breast cancer initiatives in our community.

In 2018, we reached a significant milestone when our research team published their first outcome paper in the esteemed Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 1. This publication showcases the valuable insights and findings derived from our research efforts. It served as a testament to our commitment to evidence-based practices and the contribution we make to the field of breast cancer awareness and prevention.

Research has always been an integral part of our strategic plan at BCIEA. We firmly believe that by conducting rigorous research, we can better understand the challenges faced by individuals affected by breast cancer, identify areas for improvement, and develop effective interventions. We are proud to say that over the years, our research initiatives have yielded significant results, helping us achieve many of our major goals as we celebrated our 10th anniversary.

As we move forward, we remain dedicated to continuing our research efforts, pushing the boundaries of knowledge, and driving meaningful change in breast cancer care. We understand the power of research to shape policies, influence healthcare practices, and ultimately improve outcomes for individuals and communities affected by breast cancer. We are excited about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead as we strive to make an even greater impact.


Join Us in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Thank you for your interest in BCIEA, the Champion Breast Cancer Awareness Organization in Rwanda and the USA.

We are dedicated to raising awareness, providing holistic support, and advocating for improved care in the fight against breast cancer. If you have any questions, would like to collaborate, or need assistance, please fill out the form below, and our passionate team will be in touch with you soon. Together, we can create a future where breast cancer is better understood, prevented, and effectively treated.